Monday, May 19, 2008

Evangelism in Central Florida

This week Wed-Saturday (14-17 May), my local church – Calvary Chapel-Melbourne was scheduled to teach the Way of the Master Crash Course and assist with some community outreaches at a sister church – Calvary Chapel, Leesburg FL. The week before, our communities were ravaged by brush fires that also destroyed several dozen homes in the Palm Bay FL area. As a result about ½ of our team needed to stay behind to handle those fires.
God’s work needed to go on and in the WOTM class only 6-8 people showed for the 2 nights. We were disappointed but then reminded that it was 6-8 people more than before who are now prepping to get out of their comfort zone.

We had a planned outreach at a local park with food, popcorn, face painting and games to bring in the community. A few showed and it was obvious that the few folks who showed up, really needed to be there. We had a trivia game and the gal selected to answer the questions about being a “Good Person” said she was a Christian. Angelica said that she had broken God’s Laws but then her expression showed something a little different than what she was saying. She affirmed her faith by proclaiming her repentance and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Then on Saturday we had a car wash. God was bringing the people in. We probably washed 40+ cars but what really got cleaned up were people’s consciences. One lady I spoke to, Debbie said that she always prayed but was not sure what was enough. We put all that aside and went through the Law. Then it started to make sense to her (Actually the Holy Spirit opened her eyes), She began to understand that believing in Jesus was not enough- she had to put Him on like a parachute. She said now she was ready for turning her life over to the Lord. We prayed right there and she left fully assured in her salvation.

There are many stories and many people were greatly affected and left with consciences awakened. This included a lady who was employed as a public relations person for a local purpose driven church. Another was a young girl who said she prayed in front of her friends yet never told them they are going to Hell unless they change. She knows differently now – we will see how her friends react now if she really follows through about what happens when you die – Heaven or Hell?

After all that, we went back to the area where our hotel was. The area is called the The Villages. This place is several thousand acres of senior homes, golf courses, some pretty cool shopping areas and public squares. The people are like 70 year old high school seniors left un-chaperoned by the their parents. That night was a car show of hot rods and some really cool cars.
People were very receptive and we gave out over 1500 + tracts. Yes 1500…..
Watch the slide show and see His work.

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