Monday, March 8, 2010

Another business trip brings witnessing opportunities.

On the flight to Atlanta I was able to talk a little to man next me but he turned away when I asked if he believed in Heaven. Guess he had more important things on his mind......

On the long flight to Dubai I was next to a Crash-Rescue Fireman from Jacksonville who was on his way to Mosul, Iraq to finish a contract job at the Mosul airbase. A lot of civilians are hired to fill non military jobs. When I found an opportunity (he was wearing headphones the whole time) to talk to him, I asked if he saw many deaths then asked where he thought he would go if he died. Though he was not comfortable, we talked a bit more and then he put his headphones back on. I gave him "Why Christianity" and a few hours later we landed. 14 hours from Atlanta to Dubai and that was all I could do-disappointing but maybe enough to reach this twenty something young man.

In Dubai I left some Trillion Dollar Obama tracts around as well as an Arabic tract. At dinner one night with some business associates, two of whom are also brothers in Christ, one led into a conversation about how Jesus Christ loved people and blessed them by many things including turning water to wine at a wedding. The non-Christian next to him said he had ‘grown-up’ Baptist and you could not have any alcohol so he was confused about this idea. I suggested he might have been in a legalistic environment or that maybe it was just his parents protecting him. But before the conversation could go on, the others at the table changed topics quickly. I gave them all some Trillion Dollar tracts. The 2 brothers are literally twin brothers as well as Believers and are Maronite Lebanese Christians.

Why do Muslims need a sign pointing to Mecca?? Even the airplane's map showing where you are has a diagram of the plane and an arrow pointing to Mecca.
Jeremiah 23:24 says God declares, "Do I not fill heaven and earth?". This is in hotel rooms and other locations in Dubai. Pray they find the One True God!

I’m on my way to France so more to come…..

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